Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pain Metaphors

Post your pain metaphor here for 1 point extra credit.  Just click on the comment button.


  1. Mattie Jackson P. 7March 9, 2011 at 9:04 PM

    Pain is like a camera, you are either on candid or you're photogenic.

  2. Pain is like a crayon, it's colorful and makes things look good. -Sarah Thayne Per. 7

  3. Pain is like a pen, hard to erase but can be used to tell a story.-Viva Oldroyd, period 7.

  4. Pain is like a fence, it stops you from getting where you want to be. so jump, climb, or bulldoze right through it.
    Maaola Stowers Per 7

  5. Pain is like a house, you can use it to give you shelter.

  6. Josh Ludlow Per. 7March 17, 2011 at 7:40 PM

    Pain is like trash, everybody dislikes it, but you can recycle or use it to help you later on.

  7. Kylie Olsen

    Pain is like a snorkel. Even when you feel like you're going to die, there's always a small tube of hope to keep you going.
